Crowdfunding Australia
For Companies|For Investors

Breaking Down the Benefits of Equity...

There are numerous benefits of Equity Crowdfunding that make it an incredibly exciting industry compared to traditional investment opportunities. Equity...

29 Sep 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
Success Stories|For Investors

Equitise IPO Breakdown and Performance

An analysis of our five most recent IPO performances.

11 Sep 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
For Companies|For Investors

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

Equity Crowdfunding is the process whereby everyday investors can invest in early stage businesses in return for equity (shares) in that business. The UK...

10 Sep 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Earning A Return With Equity Crowdfunding...

How do I make money from a private company investment? Aside from the other benefits of investing in startups and early-stage businesses, we understand that...

25 Jul 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Face your Fear of Investing: What to avoid and...

There is something about the world of investments that makes it look untouchable and incredibly dangerous. It might be the emotional fear of failure or the very...

5 Mar 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Investing in an Equity Crowdfund with a Self...

*Before investing please seek independent advice on whether it is permissible for your SMSF to invest in CSF (crowd-source funding) offers. If you wish to...

10 Jan 2024
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Who Can Invest

Equity Crowdfunding was created to make investing in private companies accessible for everyday people. While Equity Crowdfunding is a very inclusive...

1 Sep 2023
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

How to Invest: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Investing in an innovative early-stage business on Equitise is super simple and only takes minutes.

22 Aug 2023
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors|Founder Interviews

Meet the founder of Forcite

Forcite is a technology company that has created a mass-produced smart motorcycle helmet with ECE 22.05 (EU/Australian safety standard) certification...

6 Jan 2022
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors|For Companies

2021 Year in Review

We’ve wrapped up another record-breaking year at Equitise, and what a year it has been for both us and for equity crowdfunding in general! We thought you might...

24 Dec 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Top 5 Reasons To Invest In Startups

Why Invest in Startups? We’ve all heard the statistic that 90% of startups fail with only 50% of businesses making it past their 5th year. So why invest in...

22 Oct 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
Trends And Insights|For Investors

Why More Female Founders Are Equity...

There’s been a lot of talk in the Australian media lately about the lack of funding for female founders, with many female-led startups looking at alternative...

5 Aug 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors|For Companies

The Complete Guide To Equity Crowdfunding...

This is a complete guide to equity crowdfunding. Learn about what it is, the benefits, how to invest and more. Equitise is the leading equity crowdfunding...

24 Jun 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors|Educational Resources

How to Time the Market

When to buy and when to sell, the two fundamental questions any investor will come across in their investing journey. Timing the market is a problem as old as...

3 Jun 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
Educational Resources|For Investors

The Stages of a Private Company from Founding...

When speaking about private companies, we often find ourselves using all sorts of industry jargon. To the uninitiated, the financial terminology used when...

3 Jun 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors|For Companies

Why Don’t Companies Use Venture Capital...

We are often asked why a company would choose to use equity crowdfunding or wholesale capital raising instead of venture capital. There are a variety of reasons...

3 Jun 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Video: How to Verify Your Accredited Investor...

How to Verify Your Investor Status

15 Jan 2021
Crowdfunding Australia
For Investors

Get Ready to Invest: How to Sign Up & Verify Your...

Signing up to Equitise means you'll be all ready to invest when the right opportunity comes along. You also have the option to sign up to our newsletters which...

15 Jan 2021